Companions in Faith are women and men who desire to participate actively in the spirit and mission of the sisters through planned activities for the development of prayer and faith.

  • Those who join with us for faith-sharing
  • Those who participate in ongoing Franciscan education
  • Those who assist us with their special talents

Creating Unique Companionship

companionsInFaithThe unique dimension of this relationship is that companions gather with one another and with a sister(s) of St. Francis in small faith-sharing groups which meet several times a year. The Franciscan Companion in Mission (FCM) office provides resources, materials, and suggestions for the group’s development and formation. There are many small groups organized in a variety of geographic regions throughout the United States. The FCM office can provide information about whether there is a group in your area.

We invite you to prayerfully discern whether you are being drawn to the Franciscan Companion in Faith relationship. Please feel free to contact us.

Artwork by Sister Christopher Marie Wagner