As Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia, we place our congregational name, our identity, and our commitment behind specific ministries. By this action, we assume responsibility for promoting and assuring consistency with Gospel values, our congregational mission, and the social teachings of the Church.
What Do We Do As Sponsors?
As sponsors, we publicly identify with, exert appropriate influence on, and provide various levels of support to these ministries. In so doing, we fulfill our responsibility of stewardship for our heritage, mission, and resources.
Sponsorship allows us to collaborate with the laity and to share with them authority and responsibility for the mission of the Church.
As sponsors who are both recipients and carriers of the Gospel vision and values, as well as of the charism and tradition of Francis and Clare of Assisi and Mother Francis Bachmann, we commit ourselves to preserve, shape, and extend this legacy in the manner most appropriate to each sponsored ministry.