Statement on Staffing Native American Schools

The Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia staffed nine boarding schools for Native American children from 1887 to 1985 in five states as part of the 87 Catholic-run Native boarding schools during that time.  Today, we are acutely aware that these schools caused much pain to the Native American peoples and their culture and are committed to learning more about our role in these schools.  In recent years our Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation Committee began to work with our archivist to compile a list of the boarding schools that we staffed and to help us deepen our understanding of the hurt that was caused.  We have also implemented a Racism Committee that is working to educate our sisters and companions about the sin of racism and our participation in systemic racism.  We will continue to educate ourselves as we prayerfully consider and continue to reflect on individual and congregational racism and racial injustice, and what further actions we need to take toward reconciliation and healing.